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alcholic neuropathy

Koike et al. (2003) compared clinical and histological differences between ALN with and without thiamine deficiency 65. Also, the results of the group of 32 patients with non-alcoholic thiamine deficiency neuropathy were considered. Thiamine deficiency resulted in the progression of sensory dysfunctions; further, histological examination of the sural nerves revealed the loss of small nerve fibers and segmental demyelination. Patients with non-alcoholic thiamine deficiency neuropathy showed more abrupt onset of symptoms, mainly in a form of motor dysfunctions; biopsy showed damage to greater fibers with subperineurial edema. ALN with thiamine deficiency was manifested as a variable mixture of these symptoms. It was proposed that ALN pathogenesis, besides thiamine deficiency itself, could be due to its inappropriate use in the organism or transketolase deficiency 150.


Finally, one study examined the strength-duration time constant (SDTC) and rheobase in median nerves of those with alcoholic peripheral neuropathy 69. The SDTC was normal compared to controls, but the rheobase was significantly different suggesting that APN may affect internodal channels other than nodal channels or the Na+ –K+ ATP pump. Alcoholic neuropathy is one of the most common adverse effects of chronic alcohol consumption.

alcholic neuropathy

Causes of Alcoholic Neuropathy

Mass effect from the iliacus/iliopsoas muscles may be visualised and may result from muscle tears, psoas haematomas or pseudoaneurysms of iliac vessels ref. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcholic neuropathy these conditions, it is vital to seek help and support to overcome the challenges. The Recovery Village Columbus offers comprehensive, evidence-based treatment programs to meet your needs and facilitate your healing journey.

Treatment Options for Alcohol-Related Neuropathy

alcholic neuropathy

The majority of patients were middle-class, working men, and continuous drinkers were more affected than episodic drinkers. Women are more likely to develop alcohol polyneuropathy and suffer from a more rapid onset and greater severity. If you’re suffering from ALN, it means your peripheral nerves have been damaged, which can lead to dysfunction in sensory, motor, and autonomic processes. Here’s what you need to know about the risks of alcohol-related nerve damage and the toxic effects of alcohol. Vitamin E is used to refer to a group of fat-soluble compounds that include both tocopherols and tocotrienols.

  • The morphological basis of post-alcoholic damage of neural tissue includes primary axonopathy and secondary demyelination of motor and sensory (especially small) fibers 105.
  • This may also require a healthcare provider to rule out other potential causes of neuropathy (like diabetic neuropathy) by using blood tests, nerve conduction studies, electromyography, nerve biopsies, liver enzyme tests, and other tests.
  • Thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia were also present with decreased mechanical threshold of C-fibres.
  • No patients with grade III (severe sensory impairment, absent reflexes, foot drop, muscle wasting) neuropathy showed clinical improvement over the 4-week period, but 4/8 did show an improvement over 3–6 months.
  • There are no medications that can help improve loss of sensation, strengthen muscle weakness, or assist with the coordination and balance problems caused by alcoholic neuropathy.
  • Alcoholic neuropathy is a condition in which the nerves become damaged as a result of years of heavy alcohol consumption.

Nutritional factors responsible for alcoholic neuropathy (indirect toxicity)

alcholic neuropathy

Not being able to tell when things are too hot because of the way the nerve damage interferes with the ability to sense temperature changes can make one more susceptible to burns. In the same manner, numbness and lowered ability to feel pain sensations can make people more apt to cut themselves or otherwise damage the skin. Often, individuals may not even realize that they are burned or cut because they just don’t feel it, which can elevate the risk for infection. Thiamine serves as an important coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism and neuron development. The lack of thiamine in the nervous system affects the cellular structure and can cause cell membrane damage and irregular ectopic cells. Other vitamin deficiencies seen with alcohol abuse include but are not limited to, B vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin E.

alcholic neuropathy

Management of alcoholic neuropathy

  • This nerve damage causes an individual to experience pain and motor weakness, first in the feet and hands and then progressing centrally.
  • Activator and effector caspases, defining components of programmed cell death signalling pathways, also contribute to pain-related behaviour in animals with small fibre peripheral neuropathies.
  • Thus, ALN might be induced by the combination of the effects of the direct activity of alcohol metabolites on the nerve fibers along with nutritional deficiencies primarily in a form of thiamine deficiency.
  • Diagnosis usually involves a healthcare provider collecting a medical history, performing a medical and neurological exam, and performing blood and urine tests.

Indeed, these factors contribute to the progression of ALN symptoms; however, they do not constitute direct factors that manifest in ALN https://ecosoberhouse.com/ development 84. Current postulation holds that dysfunctions within the central and peripheral nervous system are due to both direct and indirect toxic effects of alcohol 31, 85,86,87. Indirect effects are mainly induced by vitamin deficiencies (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12) 84, 88. Deficiency of vitamins other than thiamine may also contribute to clinical features of alcoholic neuropathy. Chronic alcoholism can alter the intake, absorption and utilization of various nutrients (nicotinic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate or vitamin E). Thus, these vitamin deficiencies were not considered to be major causal factors of neuropathy 26.

  • Depending on your individual insurance plan, treatment at a specific facility may or may not be covered.
  • One patient with grade I neuropathy responded with the correction of low pantothenic acid.
  • The amount of ethanol which causes clinically evident peripheral neuropathy is also still unknown.
  • This condition is typically not life-threatening, but the nerve damage from alcoholic neuropathy is usually permanent.

What is crucial during ALN treatment is the alleviation of the major causation of ALN which is alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse treatment might lead to a resolution of neuropathic pain and alleviation of its symptoms. This can be achieved by complete alcohol abstinence and a balanced diet primarily supplemented by B6, B12, and E vitamins, as well as folate, thiamine, and niacin. Benzodiazepines are commonly used to reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome; acamprosate and naltrexone are effective to treat alcohol dependence; drug addiction however, the latter usually induces withdrawal symptoms 175.


The prevalence of alcoholic cardiomyopathy appears to be similar among males and females; however, males present a higher disease burden 132, 133. Furthermore, females tend to be more vulnerable to the brain damage and neurotoxic effects of alcohol 134. Computed tomography (CT) scans showed that among alcohol-dependent patients, the brain volumes were reduced to increase the volume of cerebrospinal fluid; these changes were induced in females in less time 135, 136.


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